Baby teeth and their importance

Traditionally, the role of baby teeth has been underestimated by our grandparents and parents. However, new evidence indicates that they have a more relevant role in the oral health of children and future adults. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explains that they are much more than temporary teeth that accompany us until the end of childhood.

Their care is essential in preserving the necessary space for future permanent teeth or «bone teeth» as our parents used to call them. Their premature loss can cause malformations due to spacing problems between the permanent teeth.

Why do baby teeth come out?

Contrary to what many think, the process of gestation of baby teeth begins long before the birth of the baby. They begin to form in the gums of the fetus approximately 6 months into pregnancy to emerge in the baby already born. This process occurs between 6 and 12 months of age and culminates at 3 years after birth.

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explains that this set of milk teeth is made up of about 20 units. It includes lateral and central incisors, canines and molars. All of them play a decisive role in chewing solid foods and correctly pronouncing words.

From the age of 6, milk teeth begin to gradually fall out to be replaced by permanent teeth. It is a phase that extends for several years until approximately 12 or 13 years of age. In addition to the functions described above, milk teeth also play other determining roles.

Functions of milk teeth

Milk teeth act as a space reserve for permanent teeth that will come out later. They also help guide the correct development of the jaw and facial bones of the individual during growth. For that reason, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys asserts that their early loss could cause problems in the future.
Among these problems are problems with the alignment of permanent teeth. It happens because when a child loses a baby tooth early, the rest of the teeth ‘move’ to try to fill that space. When this happens, the teeth that alter their position obstruct the emergence of the permanent teeth, causing them to become misaligned.

How to care for temporary teeth in children

In order to ensure that baby teeth complete their useful life period in the development of the infant, it is important to take care of them meticulously. One of the most convenient practices is proper brushing after each meal or at least in the morning and before going to bed. Another crucial precaution is to avoid consuming sugar, especially foods that contain processed sugars.

If you do so, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys advises that it be done at home so that the child can brush after eating them. In addition to brushing, the director of the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental clinic recommends the use of dental floss to ensure complete cleaning. Of course, regular visits to the pediatric dentist for regular check-ups should be considered.

These check-ups are very useful for early detection of cavities that can cause the loss of these teeth. Another tip is to take care of the child’s diet with foods and drinks that contain essential nutrients and minerals such as vitamins and calcium. These will strengthen the milk teeth, making them more resistant to the action of bacteria.

When milk teeth manage to complete their useful life cycle, they ensure healthy and well-positioned teeth in the future. It is the beginning of an adult who will have a perfect and functional smile throughout his life.

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