The Dental Artificial Intelligence Association (DAIA) has named Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys as its national ambassador in Colombia. The information was released by the Colombian dentist herself after receiving the nomination from the directors of this prestigious international organization.
According to the official letter, the nomination of this professional is a reflection of a prestigious career in the field of dentistry at an international level. They particularly highlight her innovative approach to integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) into different procedures for patients, optimizing aesthetic and functional results.
What is DAIA?
DAIA stands for Dental AI Association, a global organization that has established itself as the first authority of its kind. Its objective is to manage, inform and train on the use of AI in the field of dentistry to establish new standards of care.
The directors state that they have considered leading education, research, innovation and the scope that AI can have in dentistry. Something very important for DAIA is the establishment of ethical values in the provision of services with the help of this technological resource. All this work has been done in a context of collaboration between dental communities and AI developers.
They point out that AI is generating a true revolution in dentistry, as has occurred in other fields of medicine. It has been key in the earlier detection of diseases and the improvement of diagnostic precision. This has streamlined the workflow in dental centers, as has occurred in the spa-type clinic Sonrisa Perfecta Dental.
The result of this accelerated evolution driven by AI is the increase in the quality and effectiveness of treatments, now more personalized. For DAIA, Artificial Intelligence stands out among the new technologies that are being applied within dentistry. Its multiple possibilities anticipate a promising future for dental professionals and their patients.
AI will drive the future of dentistry
After learning of the designation, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys said she felt very honored to receive this invitation. Always at the forefront of the latest technological advances, she predicted that AI will drive the future of dentistry in Colombia and the rest of the world. She explained that part of this drive has been seen in her own Sonrisa Perfecta Dental practice.
She indicated that many traditional practices have become high-tech operations with predictive analysis, machine learning, and highly personalized procedures. All of this now plays a key role in diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient care. However, as an expert, she warned that, like any technological resource, a lot of supervision and learning is required.
This Colombian dentist warns that
AI can offer many advantages, but to take advantage of them, you have to know the tool well. According to her, the best alternative for use is to exploit its full potential while maintaining ethical parameters and humanity in the relationship with the patient. That is why the exchange of information and the promotion of discussion spaces will be essential.
This is precisely part of the proposal that Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys has as the new DAIA National Ambassador for Colombia. The mission is to empower dental professionals with knowledge, collaboration and the exchange of new information about AI. It is a task in which the best Colombian dentist aspires to lead in order to continue to raise the name of her country.
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