Dental prophylaxis is a deep professional cleaning performed by the dentist to eliminate all types of bacteria that can cause periodontal diseases. According to Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys, from the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental clinic, among the most common conditions are cavities, gingivitis and periodontitis.
According to this Colombian dentist, the reason why many neglect this deep cleaning is that they are apparently healthy because they do not observe symptoms of disease. However, it is very possible that, although there are no visible problems, there are small deposits of bacteria that will eventually cause oral pathologies.
What does this deep professional cleaning eliminate?
The fundamental importance of this procedure lies in the fact that it is the most effective action to eliminate tartar and bacteria. These elements tend to accumulate on the surface of the teeth, in the interdental spaces and on the gum line. Many times, daily brushing leaves residues in hard-to-reach cavities that must be removed periodically.
When these residues remain in these cavities for a long time, they end up solidifying, becoming deposits of calculus that we know as tartar. This type of dirt cannot be combated with brushing, since it is only removed with the instruments used by the professional dental hygienist. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explains that it is not only about using the appropriate instruments, but also having the knowledge to identify affected areas.
How a dental prophylaxis is performed
Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explains that at the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa-type clinic, this procedure is taken with great care. To take care of each of the details, an initial assessment is first carried out to verify the state of the teeth and gums. Before starting the deep cleaning, they identify the affected areas and rule out the existence of periodontal conditions such as gingivitis or periodontitis.
It is also important to establish whether there are cavities or mobility in the teeth (tooth mobility). In the search for pathogens that threaten oral health, products specially designed for this purpose are usually used. Specifically, a chemical called erythrosine is used, which is applied to the surface of the teeth and stains the bacterial plaque. With this, the dental hygienist will know exactly where to act with greater emphasis.
The next step is the use of what is known as the ultrasound tip, which is a system that combines pressurized water with vibration. With this instrument, all the tartar that may be present in the mouth is removed. Subsequently, dental floss is used to deepen the interdental cleaning and eliminate all types of deposits that may be in these spaces.
What happens with dental stains?
In order to eliminate the stains that are generated between the teeth, polishing strips and prophylaxis paste are used. The latter is applied with a special brush that is available at this highly specialized center located in Cartagena. The Colombian dentist warns that when the stains are very resistant, an instrument called an aeropolisher can be used.
This is a device that has a spray with bicarbonate, a substance widely known for its ability to remove stains from surfaces. Finally, a layer of fluoride gel is applied, which aims to remineralize and strengthen tooth enamel. To prolong the results of dental prophylaxis, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys advises her patients on effective daily brushing techniques.
This Colombian professional, like her other colleagues, recommends having a professional cleaning at least once a year. However, due to factors such as diet or poor brushing techniques, this procedure may be required every 6 months. The more regularly it is done, the easier and cheaper it will be for the patient.
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