Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys is a veneer in Colombia

When talking about veneers in Colombia, the name of Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys is one of the first search results. The reason is that her Sonrisa Perfecta Dental clinic is one of the specialized centers with the longest history in the placement of dental veneers.

In this spa-type clinic located in the city of Cartagena, they are experts in the placement of zirconium and porcelain veneers. The best dentist in Colombia assures that they are highly durable materials, resistant to scratches, breakages and natural in appearance. She added that their thickness makes them invisible to the eye.

In these cases, veneers are recommended

The popularity of dental veneers in Colombia and the world is due in part to their variety of applications. With them, patients can radically improve the appearance of their teeth in a short period of time. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys, as a dentist specialized in smile design, lists some of the most common assumptions.

They are recommended when a person is not happy with the size, color or position of their teeth. When one or more of these situations occurs and the patient does not have time to undergo orthodontic treatment, it is advisable to use dental veneers. At this time of year, when there are only a few months left until the end-of-year holidays, they are an ideal option to obtain a perfect smile.

Many people rule out orthodontic treatment because they consider it too invasive for their taste or too long in time. Others do not have the financial resources necessary to undergo this process at the moment. In these cases, the most convenient alternative is also veneers.

Cases in which it is not recommended to use veneers in Colombia

As one of the first Colombian dentists to apply dental veneers in the country, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys has accumulated significant experience. This expertise allows her to know precisely the cases in which she does not recommend the use of veneers permanently. In these cases, the best dentist in Colombia says that it is better to opt for other treatments.

She cites, for example, cases of very severe dental malpositions. She explains that, in these cases, the proper placement of veneers requires a lot of grinding of the tooth, which would permanently affect its volume. The consequence of this is that by irremediably altering the size of the tooth, eventual orthodontic treatment with optimal aesthetic results is impossible.

Another situation in which veneers are not recommended is when the patient suffers from a severe malocclusion problem. In other words, these are patients who have class II, class III bite problems or the so-called crossbite. When veneers are placed, they run the risk of breaking in a short time due to the pressure that can be exerted on some of them.

A very similar risk occurs with cases of bruxism. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys says that in these cases, the best thing to do is to make a night guard for the patient. This device is designed to be used during sleeping hours, preventing the patient from breaking the veneers while sleeping.

A final recommendation from Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys

When a patient completes their procedure for the placement of dental veneers, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys provides some tips to extend their useful life. One of the most important has to do with proper dental hygiene. A denture with veneers requires proper brushing to counteract the accumulation of tartar.
She recalled that tartar is an element that accumulates bacteria that cause infections, which, in turn, generate inflammation in the gums. The modification in the shape of the soft tissues causes leaks that later lead to new infectious complications. She reiterated that the simplest solution to all this is to prevent with a correct oral hygiene routine.

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