Drug to regenerate lost teeth is being tested

The drug to regenerate lost teeth will enter the testing phase this September, as announced by the manufacturer laboratory. It is the development team of the Department of Dentistry and Surgery of the Kitano Hospital in the city of Osaka in Japan, headed by Katsu Takahashi.

The announcement made by the representatives of this laboratory at the beginning of the year indicates that it is a revolutionary alternative to dental implants. With the drug, adult patients who suffer the loss of their teeth will be able to see new ones grow and thus have a perfect smile.

Drug to regenerate lost teeth promises to revolutionize dentistry

The new drug acts as an inhibitor of the USAG-1 protein, which is found in humans and is the one that limits the growth of teeth. The work of Katsu Takahashi and his team is based on previous research that had been carried out at Kyoto University. In these studies, the relationship between USAG-1 and the number of teeth was discovered, and new research has therefore focused on this path.

The aim of Takahashi’s team is to develop a drug that acts as a neutraliser of the functions of the aforementioned protein. The phase of testing on animals has already been completed and the results have been promising. Since then, the scope of this research has been made public and optimism has grown in the scientific community.

When this drug finally reaches the market with all the guarantees for those who use it, its impact could be global. Scientists predict that it will revolutionise the world of dentistry, many speak of the end of the ‘reign’ of dental implants. People with tooth loss will have the option of a treatment that will make them recover their completely natural teeth.

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys recommends caution

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys, who in addition to being a dentist has stood out in her career as a researcher and university professor, recommends great caution in this phase. She says that, although the tests on ferrets have been successful, it is necessary to wait to see how humans evolve with this new formula.

She recalled that human pathologies that usually cause the loss of teeth are very particular and depend on many variables. She mentioned, for example, the type of food and its quality, age, genetic factors, infectious processes such as caries or periodontal diseases. Some of these variables are not usually present in the animals that were subjected to the initial tests.

Considered by specialized entities as the best dentist in Colombia, she says that the reaction may be subject to the way in which the formula is supplied. She added that all these factors must be taken into account by the research team before speaking of conclusions and that requires time. “It is essential to analyze in great detail the evolution of the subjects in the sample.”

Questions about the drug to regenerate lost teeth that still have no answers

One of the biggest questions in the scientific community is, if it is effective, how would the growth of new teeth be controlled where there are already teeth? Although the drug promises to grow new teeth to replace the lost ones, what guarantees that they will not also grow where there are still teeth? Other questions that these tests must answer are whether it will be effective for all types of patients and what will be the quality of the new teeth.

Japanese scientists plan to have this revolutionary drug ready in 2030. Takahashi asserts that everything is going according to the schedule they have established for years. The academic also says that the team is optimistic because according to them, they are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. That light allows them to glimpse a perfect smile in many more people around the world.

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