Conscious sedation is the new technology available at the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa-type clinic, a highly specialized center located in historic Cartagena. It is a new alternative designed to improve the patient’s experience within the consultation and reduce the levels of odontophobia that still persist.
In this sense, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys maintained that the idea of implementing this novel methodology is part of her work philosophy. She assured that in this spa clinic they are always looking for formulas and solutions so that the patient always feels comfortable and, above all, safe.
What is conscious inhalation sedation?
Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explained that inhalation conscious sedation is a technology that consists of the delivery of a mixture of gases. These chemicals provide a feeling of relaxation that reduces the levels of stress and anxiety that attack many patients before and during the consultation. This gaseous combination causes loss of sensitivity, which serves to avoid pain.
This Colombian dentist points out that it is a quick treatment especially indicated for those people who fear injections. She gives as an example children, patients with cognitive disabilities or adults with anxiety problems. It not only improves the patient’s experience, but also makes the dentist’s work easier, especially in treatments that require complex procedures.
Conscious sedation is the combination of a gas that has the function of stimulating the patient’s relaxation and another that blocks pain. The name of the technique is due to the fact that the person who receives this combination of gases remains awake, but totally relaxed. For both the patient and the doctor, the office environment becomes calmer and more conducive to carrying out the procedure.
What happens after conscious sedation
The conscious sedation technique has been cataloged in different countries and by different laboratories as a safe and effective process. Expert doctors who are already using it, as in the case of dentist Tarsys Loayza Roys, follow strict guidelines. These should be practiced before, during and after the application.
Once the dental procedure has been completed, the recovery process begins under the rigorous supervision of the specialist. The patient stays in the office until he or she is sure that all gas symptoms have disappeared. When this occurs, the person is now able to return to their home or hotel room.
Recovery times may vary depending on the patient. Furthermore, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys warns that, in some cases, this sedation can be combined with localized anesthesia. These are cases in which the patient requires or requests the use of robotic anesthesia to avoid any discomfort during the procedure.
The importance of good sedation
For the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa clinic, controlling anxiety and pain in patients is one of the most important priorities. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys’ goal is to always provide safe treatments with the lowest risk of negative experiences. It is also important to ensure the patient’s comfort during her consultation.
Conscious sedation is a methodology that is gaining a lot of space within dental procedures. It is even applied to patients who do not suffer from stress or anxiety, but who are going to undergo long and complex procedures. This Colombian dentist mentions, for example, dental implants where the patient’s full collaboration is required.
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