Let’s talk about toothbrushes

When it comes to toothbrushes, there are countless alternatives on the market. On the shelves of supermarkets, pharmacies and personal care and hygiene stores you can find a wide variety of references and prices. However, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys clarifies that the expensive ones are not always the most effective.
In recent years, manufacturers have strived to introduce toothbrushes with additional elements with the promise of greater benefits. The truth is that, in many cases, says the director of the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental clinic, this is not strictly true.

Some myths about toothbrushes
The main function of toothbrushes is to maintain oral hygiene. This means that it has to be able to completely eliminate bacterial plaque, which is responsible for cavities and gingivitis. In this sense, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys, one of the best dentists in Colombia, asserts that in order to fulfill her mission, it is advisable to eliminate some myths.
The best toothbrush is the simplest one with the straightest bristles. Models with rubber bands, different types of bristles or those with irregular relief are useless! Curiously, they tend to be the most expensive in stores. So it is not advisable to believe all the advertising you see in the media or social networks.
Another myth that must be eradicated when purchasing this instrument is that those with the hardest bristles are the most effective. According to the director of Sonrisa Perfecta Dental, it is better to lean towards the softer models. This feature is shown on the brush packaging. The soft ones are especially indicated in cases of patients with gingivitis, periodontal disease or high sensitivity.
Regarding head size, those with small heads are more appropriate. These are easier to manipulate and effectively reach the back teeth without causing damage. As for the handle, long and non-slip ones are better, since they provide greater ergonomics and grip, which makes them more manageable.

The correct brushing technique
A good toothbrush is not enough to have good oral hygiene. As with other instruments, it is also essential to know how to use it. There is a technique called Modified Bass, which is made up of 3 mandatory phases in each cleaning session. These are brushing the upper teeth, lower teeth and molars.
The top and bottom pieces are brushed in opposite directions. That is, the upper teeth are brushed downwards and the lower teeth upwards. It is important to emphasize the separations of the teeth. Above all, if they have particular characteristics that cause them to accumulate food residues. To complement, the doctor remembers that you can also take advantage of the resource of dental floss.
For its part, brushing the molars should be done in a circular manner at the top. The side part should be brushed in a circular manner, back and forth to ensure effective cleaning. If the bristles are soft, they can also be used to brush the tongue, gums and the roof of the mouth.

What about electric toothbrushes? Are they more effective?
Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys agrees with many experts who assert that the use of electric toothbrushes has several advantages, especially modern ones. The new models include an acoustic signal that activates 2 minutes after brushing. This guarantees the minimum time recommended by global organizations for dental care.
This professional mainly recommends models that have an oscillating and rotating mechanism, as they provide a deeper cleaning. It happens because this technology makes the head rotate and at the same time oscillate on the tooth and adopt different angles on each tooth. As a result, the cleaning action can reach the juxtagingival zone, which is where the gum ends and the tooth begins.
The use of an electric toothbrush is especially indicated in the case of people who have some motor difficulty in their hands. It is also recommended for elderly people who have coordination problems or who cannot exert enough force with a manual toothbrush. It is also often a useful tool for people who assist others in their personal hygiene routines.

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