New advances in dentistry with nanotechnology

Nanotechnology dentistry is practically a reality with the upcoming use of nanorobots to address various oral health problems. Colombian dentist Tarsys Loayza Roys, who runs the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental clinic, says that what once seemed like fiction is now almost a fact.

This phenomenon is due to the fact that today there is an almost complete understanding between the nanostructures of teeth and colonizing microorganisms. The doctor asserts that this opens up a range of possibilities capable of transforming the universe of dentistry, as well as human health in general.

What is nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is the development of methodologies for the manipulation of matter at a molecular or atomic scale. This means talking about dimensions from 1 to 1000 nanometers with which applications can be generated in various fields. These include engineering, computing, genomics and of course medicine. Among the specialties that would benefit the most would be dentistry, with which revolutionary techniques would be implemented.

In nanotechnology, size is everything. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explains that scientists have confirmed that materials at this scale have very particular behaviors. These behaviors can be used by nanorobots to alter preexisting or anomalous situations in order to correct them. In medicine, nanorobots can be used to observe and diagnose pathologies and intervene to achieve the complete cure of a disease.

Applications of nanotechnology in dentistry.

The use of nanorobots for the treatment of various dental conditions is already being tested in various laboratories around the world. According to Colombian dentist Tarsys Loayza Roys, these man-made devices are being tested in new oral anesthesia methodologies. They will also be a reality in reconstructive and aesthetic dentistry, in addition to the development of therapies.

With the design and development of orthodontic nanorobots, it will be possible to control (and accelerate) recovery processes in periodontal tissues such as gums and ligaments. They would also be used to reinforce hard tissues such as cementum and alveolar bone, thus promoting the stability of natural teeth.

Advantages of dentistry with nanotechnology

The action of nanorobots in dentistry will allow specialists to find new alternatives to save natural teeth. The intuitive nature of robots will significantly increase the rate of successful treatments, making them personalized at levels never seen before.

The Colombian dentist highlights root canal treatments where current techniques have a high failure rate in some dental centers. These failures are particularly due to the technique used by some professionals and which is based on the passive diffusion of antibacterial agents. Nanorobots would directly and autonomously attack the source of infection until it is eliminated.

For patients, it will represent the advantage of having a greater chance of saving their natural teeth without the need for implants or removable prostheses. This would be opening up a panorama where people could preserve their natural teeth and their oral health in general at a lower cost.

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys asserts that dentistry with nanotechnology is a new panorama that Sonrisa Perfecta Dental is already soaking up. She assures that, as usual, they will be pioneers in the adoption of this alternative for the well-being of patients. She recalled that, thanks to always being at the forefront, they have become a benchmark for technology in Colombia and all of Latin America.

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