Occlusal force and tooth loss

Occlusal force is also known as masticatory force and is one of the most important elements of the human mastication process. It consists of the pressure we exert inside the mouth to break up food, which is why it is crucial for masticatory function. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys reminds us that this is the first link in the digestive process.

The director of the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa clinic, located in Cartagena, maintains that this force is usually affected by several reasons. These include occlusal discrepancies, bruxism or dental migrations.

Traumatic occlusal force and tooth loss

This very important first step in the digestive process can be altered by several causes and is what is known as traumatic occlusal force. When the patient has lost a tooth and it is not replaced by a prosthesis or an implant within a reasonable period of time. When a space arises that is not quickly filled, teeth tend to move naturally to fill that space.

This mobility changes the position of the teeth, misaligning them and eventually causing them to fall out spontaneously. Before that, the patient experiences a process of deterioration in the correct alignment of the teeth, worsening their problems with dental malposition. This causes a worsening of the alterations in occlusal force, making chewing more difficult.

Another cause is when the patient undergoes an unfinished dental procedure and the correct precautions are not taken, such as the placement of retainers. Retainers are intraoral instruments that are placed to prevent teeth from moving from their original place, while a treatment is completed.

The causes may also be occlusal or incisal wear, which in turn has several probable causes. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys mentions pathological wear caused by endogenous agents (gum infections) or continuous and wearing friction such as bruxism. Here, harmful habits such as nail biting or the use of excessive biomechanical forces should also be included as causes.

What is the correct occlusal force?

Just as she describes the problems generated by a traumatic occlusal force, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys guides us on how this element should be. In optimal conditions, the ideal occlusal force occurs when the maximum intercuspation coincides with the centric occlusion. It also happens when each tooth occludes correctly with its antagonist tooth (the upper ones with the lower ones).

Another well-managed sign is when the middle line of the upper dental arch coincides with the middle line of the lower dental arch. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys also mentions the cases in which each tooth presents proximal contacts, that is, mesial and distal with its adjacent teeth. Likewise, when the mesio-palatal cusps of the upper molars occlude in the central fossae of the lower molars.

There are other equally valid signs to determine healthy occlusal strength. It is important to have a periodic dental check-up, especially if you have undergone a dental procedure that has involved some type of mobility of the teeth. Only the expertise of the specialized dentist will allow the correct evaluation of the situation of each patient.

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