Oral Health and its Impact on Cancer Prevention

When we think about taking care of our health, we often fail to consider the connection between the mouth and the rest of the body. However, various studies have revealed a surprising link between oral health and the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys, from Cartagena, points out that this little-known topic deserves our full attention, since understanding this relationship can help prevent disease. The link between periodontal disease and heart disease has already been discussed. Now we will deal with exposure to various carcinogenic conditions.

Oral health as an integral part of our general health

Our mouth is not only the entry point for food, but also for bacteria that can influence the development of diseases throughout the body. Poor oral hygiene can have more serious consequences than most people think. Recent research is warning about the growing accumulation of evidence on the relationship between oral health and cancer prevention.

Based on the results of these scientific investigations, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys is raising awareness among her patients in Cartagena. She recommends that those who come to the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa-type clinic read bibliography to catch up on these discoveries.

Let’s look at some important data

  1. Gum disease and cancer: the role of chronic inflammation
    Chronic inflammation is a natural response of the body to fight infections or repair damaged tissues. However, when this inflammation becomes chronic, as occurs in periodontitis, it can be harmful. Instead of helping the body, persistent infection can damage healthy tissues and alter the immune system. This entire physical context creates an environment conducive to the development of cancer cells.
  2. Oral bacteria and their relationship with cancer
    Our oral microbiome, that is, the bacteria that live in our mouth, play a crucial role in overall health. In people with oral diseases, bacteria such as Porphyromonas gingivalis and Fusobacterium nucleatum are very common. New scientific evidence points to a link between these agents and cancer.
  3. The connection with the Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
    The Human Papillomavirus (HPV), known for its link to cervical cancer, is also linked to mouth and throat cancer. A poorly healthy mouth makes it easier for this virus to persist and spread.
    The role of the dentist in cancer prevention

Dentists are not only responsible for keeping your teeth white and healthy. During a dental check-up, they can identify suspicious lesions, such as ulcers that do not heal or changes in oral tissues. These regular check-ups are essential for early detection of possible signs of cancer.

For Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys and the entire team at the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa clinic in Cartagena, prevention is the key. When regular visits to the dentist are made and deep dental cleanings are performed periodically, signs can be detected early. Timely attention to warning signs can, in some cases, make the difference between life and death.

Tips to reduce the risk of cancer through oral health

Incorporating simple oral care habits can make a big difference in your long-term health. Here are some recommendations:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day and use hygienic
  • Reduce tobacco and alcohol consumption.
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which help fo
  • Get vaccinated against HPV if you are within the recommended age
  • Visit the dentist every six months for regular check-ups.

A perfect smile is a longer life

Taking care of your oral health not only prevents problems such as cavities and bad breath, but is also a shield against serious diseases such as cancer. By adopting a proper oral hygiene routine and visiting the dentist regularly, you not only protect your smile, but also your general well-being.

Remember: your mouth is a mirror of your health. Make your oral care a priority and live with peace of mind!

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