Orthodontics in adults has no age limit

There is no maximum age for orthodontics in adults. Technological advances have eradicated the old myth that only children and young people can and should undergo this oral rehabilitation procedure. The truth is that nowadays orthodontics has no age limit.

On the contrary, these procedures have many advantages for adults who decide to undergo them. In this sense, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explains that there are many cases in which they are appropriate to obtain a perfect smile. This Colombian dentist explains that the first thing is to do a thorough review of oral health.

At Sonrisa Perfecta Dental orthodontics has no age limit

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys is considered among the best Colombian dentists today. In addition to her training as a professional in this area, she has specific training and research that support her orthodontic procedures in children and adults. Her knowledge in Dental Aesthetics and Oral Rehabilitation is among the most solid in Colombia and Latin America.

This foundation has allowed this Colombian dentist to be constantly updated on the latest advances in dental procedures, including orthodontics. She defines this branch of dentistry as the one dedicated to the study and correction of anomalies in the position of teeth and jaws. The approach not only aims to correct, but also to prevent these alterations.

She points out that, clinically speaking, there is no maximum age to undergo orthodontic treatment. There are people over 60 years of age who are undergoing this type of procedure in the traditional way, with braces or invisible aligners. She adds that, instead of age, what determines the viability of this procedure in adults is oral health.

For example, a patient who suffers from periodontitis is not an ideal candidate for this treatment. The reason is that orthodontics is a procedure that exerts a series of forces on the teeth and jaw bones. If these components of the oral cavity are not in perfect condition, they will not be able to withstand the pressure.

Reasons for undergoing orthodontic treatment

The reasons for undergoing an orthodontic procedure in adulthood are practically the same as in younger patients. For example, when there are malocclusions that create problems when biting, such as jaw pain and difficulties when chewing. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explains that it is especially useful when the upper and lower teeth do not fit well.

In cases where teeth have moved, it is also very appropriate. Teeth tend to move over time, especially if there was tooth loss or a retainer was not used in a previous dental treatment. With orthodontics, this movement is corrected and subsequent complications are avoided.

Many adults often resort to orthodontics as a previous treatment for other procedures such as oral implantology or placement of prostheses. In this way, better final results and a perfect smile are ensured. It is also very common in people who have crowded or crooked teeth and who want to have a better smile and less difficulty brushing.

An additional advantage of orthodontics in adults

As one of the best Colombian dentists, she assures that orthodontics in adults has a significant advantage in relation to younger patients. She explains that the body has a way of reacting to this procedure at each stage of life. In young patients or adolescents, orthodontics must coexist with the structural changes that the body and more specifically the face will experience.

When applied to fully mature patients, it is much easier for the specialized dentist to prevent the final result. In the case of Sonrisa Perfecta Dental, these results can even be recreated with 3D illustrations. In them, the patient will be able to see how their smile will look at the end of the treatment.

Orthodontics in adults is an excellent tool for dental aesthetics, oral health and quality of life with a perfect smile. For this reason, it is an increasingly common procedure and is one of the most requested at the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa clinic. For this reason, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys invites all adults to abandon myths and undergo a personalized evaluation. In it, the viability or not of this treatment will be evaluated.

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