Smile Design Among the Best in the World

A Colombian dentist has managed to place her smile design among the best in the world, a fact widely recognized by regional and global organizations. This is Sonrisa Renaissance Hollywood®, an exclusive brand of the spa-type clinic Sonrisa Perfecta Dental, which is rightly run by Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys.

This dental procedure is one of the most requested by patients, since it serves to correct dental health, functional and aesthetic problems. Thanks to modern technology, available at Sonrisa Perfecta Dental, people have the opportunity to transform their smiles, change their appearance and their lives.
Everyone comes to Cartagena looking for the best results

Everyone is looking for the best smile design

Standing out in smile design is not an easy task, especially if you compete internationally, as Sonrisa Perfecta Dental does. The patients of this dental center come from different cities in Colombia and from various countries. Weekly it receives people from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Patients also come from Europe mainly from Spain, Italy, France, the Netherlands and Germany, although there has been no shortage of visitors from other nations of the old continent. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explains that visits have increased mainly due to the recommendations made by her own patients. Her smile design causes admiration and many people are interested in obtaining the same results, even when they have had previous experiences that were not so positive.

A smile design with various international recognitions

Saying that Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys’ smile design is far from being a subjective phrase. Various recognitions at the level of Latin America and from global institutions have certified it. The International Health Confederation CIS awarded her the Excellence in Health Care Science award this year.

Also this year, the International Organization for Medical Training and Research has nominated her for the “IOCIM Award for Medical Innovation 2024”. It is worth noting that this organization has already awarded recognition to Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys in 2016 and 2017.

In the United States, high aesthetics and quality have allowed this prestigious Colombian dentist to earn the main endorsements of this country. These are the certifications of the American Dental Association (ADA) and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD). These are organizations that are responsible for ensuring quality in the provision of medical-dental services in this country.

Meanwhile, in Europe, the European Medical Association (EMA) has awarded her The Best Medical Practice Project 2017 award. Also, that year, they awarded her the Rose Of Pareacelsus Award for excellence in patient care. In Paris, in 2020, she received recognition within the framework of the International Quality Management, organized by the IDB.

All these organizations recognize the work that Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys has done for more than 25 years. Particularly, since she designed and structured the methodology she uses in her exclusive smile design brand. It is a differential element that places her spa-type clinic among the best in the world and in a privileged place in Latin America.

A solid preparation to offer the best smile design

Of course, the recognitions obtained by the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental clinic and by Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys are not a coincidence. They represent the result of many years of work, research and above all, preparation. Throughout this process, the focus has always been on maintaining high levels of excellence to compete with quality in the United States and Europe.

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys is a Colombian dentist who graduated from the prestigious University of Cartagena, a century-old institution of high-level higher education. At this same university, she advanced her postgraduate studies, obtaining a master’s degree in Microbiology and postgraduate degrees in Oral Implantology and Aesthetic Oral Rehabilitation.

This professional also has a rigorous training in Dermoesthetic and Facial Medicine, Techniques and Tools of Aesthetic Medicine. She also has courses in Molecular and Clinical Genetics, Immunogenetics, Adhesive Surgery, Environmental Microbiology, Infectology, Dental Cosmetics, Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery.

All this knowledge has served Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys to strengthen her technique in smile design and other treatments. The innovation that she has reflected in her work has made her a benchmark of quality and excellence. It is a fact that has been noticed by the main specialized organizations in the world, who recognize all the work done.

This is also why Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys is included in the prestigious Top 100 Doctors of The World list. In recent years, the representatives of this ranking have considered this Colombian dentist among the main figures in dental health. They recognize her passion for research and the need to always have the best options for her patients.

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