The best laser dentistry clinic in Colombia is Sonrisa Perfecta Dental, a highly specialized center in oral health and aesthetic medicine in Cartagena. This status is due to the intense experience that has been accumulated over the years with this innovative technology, which allows for safer and more effective procedures.
Its general director is Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys, who explains how laser dentistry has evolved in Colombia and the world in recent decades. It is one of the techniques that has advanced the fastest and for which all the ways to take advantage of it are not yet known.
30 years of laser dentistry
The use of lasers in dentistry is already 30 years old. It was in 1994 when American scientists began to use it for the treatment of various dental diseases. It is a technology that has been growing and in some cases replacing more traditional procedures.
Although its use in dentistry was formally established in the last decade of the 20th century, its beginnings go back further. The first truly functional units were developed in the 1960s. The turning point from that time was the creation of the ruby laser by Theodor Maiman. This device emits a deep red beam of light from a crystal, allowing for much more precise incisions.
From that moment on, several laboratories began to study different types of lasers during the 1980s and 1990s. Their interaction with different tissues was mainly analyzed to test their real usefulness in surgery. These investigations showed that the most suitable lasers are carbon dioxide and neodymium lasers for working with soft tissues.
Since then, the laser has permeated different specialties of dentistry to cover a good number of fields. It is an evolution that continues to develop since new forms of lasers are being analyzed to expand their applications. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys asserts that progress continues to be made in understanding the laser in order to take advantage of all its benefits
Advantages of laser dentistry
Laser dentistry is a beam of light that is emitted by a special instrument. In dental treatments, as well as in surgical treatments, the laser acts as a cutting instrument or tissue cauterizer. Thanks to this technique, the patient’s bleeding is much less than with conventional surgeries. In addition, the recovery process is much faster and less painful.
As it is a procedure that significantly reduces pain, it opens the possibility of reducing the dose of anesthesia or eliminating it entirely. On the other hand, the laser considerably reduces the patient’s anxiety, especially those who have a phobia of the sound of the dental drill.
In soft tissues, the swelling in the soft tissues is minimal and with it the associated discomfort is also minimal. In the treatment of cavities, laser dentistry is much more specific, attacking the foci of infection. In this way, the recovery rate of partially damaged teeth is much higher.
Common applications at the best laser dentistry clinic in Colombia
At the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa clinic, laser dentistry has different applications. It is used to treat tooth decay, eliminate infection within the teeth and prepare the surrounding enamel to receive fillings. In periodontal diseases, the laser is very useful to eliminate bacteria and reshape the gums during root canals.
One of the most requested procedures at the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa clinic is teeth whitening. The laser is applied to the surface of the teeth previously impregnated with a special gel. The light beam activates the components of the gel on the teeth and removes all types of particles and pigments.
The laser has also found use in gum whitening. The light is projected onto this soft tissue and removes its most superficial layer. The result is that people affected by pigmentation in their gums recover their natural pale pink. As with other procedures, all these treatments are practically outpatient and have a quick recovery.
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