Warning signs in oral health

Oral health is an aspect of general health care that is as important as any other. Ignoring the signs of the mouth is risking progressive deterioration of the teeth. Additionally, there is a risk of suffering other complications at the cardiac and immunological level.

Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys, general manager of the spa-type clinic Sonrisa Perfecta Dental warns that no care in the mouth is superfluous. Every aspect of hygiene and prevention must be taken seriously to maintain or procure a better quality of life until the most advanced age.

Signs that Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys recommends not to ignore

Like other parts of the body, the mouth speaks. The best dentist in Colombia does not refer to the emission of sounds or words. The oral cavity manifests itself with very clear signs that must be attended to in a disciplined manner to prevent greater evils. That is why she lists the most important of these signs below.

  • Increased tooth mobility
    If we notice that one or more teeth move more than normal, it is time to go to the dentist as soon as possible. Many people do not know it, but this increased mobility can be a sign of bone loss or an infection. If it is not treated in time, there can be major consequences.
  • Tooth loss
    Many people associate tooth loss with age, but that is not necessarily the case. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys points out that teeth are designed to last a lifetime. Everything depends on the person’s health. When teeth fall out, it is a clear indication that something is wrong at the bone or infection level.
  • Irregular alignment of teeth
    This is an aspect that needs to be evaluated, especially in adolescence. The way teeth are aligned at this stage of life and in adulthood should be a reason for attention. If it is noticed that a tooth is occupying a place that does not correspond, specialized professional supervision is necessary. This type of deformity worsens over time and is more difficult and expensive to treat.
  • Loose teeth
    Closely related to the above are loose teeth. Loose teeth can cause occlusion problems and put other teeth at risk. Teeth must be in place, otherwise problems will be the order of the day.
  • Bacterial plaque
    It is one of the most obvious signs and yet it is also one of the most ignored by most people. The accumulation of bacterial plaque can be the result of untreated cavities, lack of proper hygiene after meals, among other problems. Recent studies have linked these infections with heart problems and other extremely serious pathologies.

Better safe than sorry

As in other areas of health care and also in life, prevention is the best solution to all ills. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explains that serious cases come to her office daily with people of all kinds. Young patients and professionals who have oral conditions that have worsened due to constantly postponing visits to the dentist.

As a result, the intervention of the professional in oral rehabilitation must be more complex. For the patient, greater complexity in their oral health condition implies a greater investment of time and money. Fortunately, the technology available in highly specialized centers such as the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa clinic minimizes these consequences.

The latest generation equipment allows for less invasive, but safer and more effective interventions. However, in the opinion of Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys, this does not diminish the importance of prevention. She urged people to be responsible for their dental health as part of caring for their physical integrity.

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