Tooth breakage is a common problem that can affect both children and adults. Although it is often an unexpected accident, there are several causes that increase the risk of this occurring. In this regard, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys explores the most frequent factors.
This famous Colombian dentist located in Cartagena says that knowing these factors can help us prevent damage and maintain a healthy and strong smile. Below, she details the main causes of tooth breakage and the solutions offered by the Sonrisa Perfecta Dental spa-type clinic.
Most common causes of tooth breakage
The Sonrisa Perfecta Dental dental clinic is a highly specialized center located in the Bocagrande sector, in Cartagena. With more than 25 years of experience, it has become a reference throughout Latin America in terms of oral rehabilitation and smile design. Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys works there, who has a solid training in aesthetic dentistry and oral rehabilitation. From your experience, you know what the most common causes of tooth breakage are.
- Trauma or accidents
Strong blows to the mouth, whether from falls, contact sports or traffic accidents, are one of the main causes of tooth breakage. During these events, the force of the impact can fracture teeth, especially the front ones. For this reason, it is important to wear mouthguards during sports activities to protect your teeth. - Biting on hard objects
Eating very hard foods or substances, such as ice, unshelled nuts or hard candy, can put great pressure on your teeth, causing cracks or fractures. Even objects that are not made for biting, such as pens or bottle caps, pose a risk. Teeth are not designed to withstand these extreme forces, and subjecting them to them increases the likelihood of tooth breakage. - Bruxism (teeth grinding)
Bruxism is an involuntary habit of clenching or grinding your teeth, mainly during sleep. This behavior causes gradual wear on the enamel, which weakens the teeth and makes them more susceptible to breaking. People with bruxism often experience small fractures, especially in the back teeth, as well as jaw discomfort. - Cavities
Deep cavities affect the structure of the tooth, eroding the enamel and dentin (the inner layer). When cavities are not treated in time, the tooth loses some of its strength, becoming more exposed to fractures. This happens because the bacteria that cause cavities destroy the dental tissue, making it fragile and less resistant to chewing forces. - Fillings
Fillings that cover a large part of the tooth or that have been in place for many years can weaken the tooth structure. Over time, the filling material can wear away or loosen, creating gaps and weak points. This makes the tooth more prone to fracture, even with normal biting pressures. - Sudden changes in temperature
Consuming extremely hot or cold foods or drinks and alternating between the two can affect tooth enamel. Exposure to sudden changes in temperature causes enamel to expand and contract, which can lead to microcracks. Over time, these small fissures can develop into larger cracks, weakening the tooth. - Aging
With the passage of years, teeth also wear down. Tooth enamel naturally thins, and as a result, teeth become more fragile and susceptible to fracture. This wear is especially common in older people and is due to continued exposure to chewing and other eating habits.
H3 How to avoid tooth breakage
To avoid these problems, it is important to take care of our teeth with good habits. Below, Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys lists some of her recommendations.
1.- Use mouthguards during sports
2.- Avoid biting very hard foods
3.- Do not consume very cold or hot drinks
4.- Consult the dentist if you grind your teeth.
5.- Maintain good oral hygiene
Broken teeth are in most cases a preventable situation. With proper care and professional guidance, we can avoid this damage and keep our smile healthy for much longer. However, when this happens, it is best to go to a dentist specialized in cosmetic dentistry, oral rehabilitation or smile design.
It is much better if the expert has all these specialties and has extensive experience in treating this problem. Together with the excellent technology available, the result will undoubtedly be the best. This is exactly what happens if you decide to visit Dr. Tarsys Loayza Roys in the historic city of Cartagena.
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